April 1st

Heavenly Father, give us light in this time of darkness. Give us hope in this time of despair. Give us healing in this time of sickness. We ask…

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Garrett Grigsby, Director at the Office of Global Affairs

Garrett Grigsby is the Director at the Office of Global Affairs. He works to foster relationships and provide leadership and expertise. We pray that God will guide Mr.…

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March 31st

Heavenly Father, give us light in this time of darkness. Give us hope in this time of despair. Give us healing in this time of sickness. We ask…

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March 30th

Heavenly Father, give us light in this time of darkness. Give us hope in this time of despair. Give us healing in this time of sickness. We ask…

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Gary Rasicot, Dept. of Homeland Security

Gary Rasicot is the Assistant Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security’s Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction office. He works to protect our country and promote readiness for chemical, biological, radiological, and…

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March 29th

Heavenly Father, We ask for guidance for our leaders, wisdom and skill for our medical professionals, and health and strength for all people. We ask these things in…

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John C. Fleming, Asst. Sec. for Economic Development

John C. Fleming is the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development. His agency helps economically distressed communities generate new employment, help retain existing jobs and stimulate industrial and…

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March 28th

Heavenly Father, we ask for wisdom and guidance during this time of uncertainty. We ask for a path to good health and strength in our communities.  We ask these…

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Michael Nedd, Bureau of Land Management

Michael Nedd is the Deputy Director of Operations for the Bureau of Land Management. His office oversees the work of more than 9,000 employees and 247 million acres…

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March 27th

Heavenly Father, as we look to find healing and a path to wellness, we ask for your blessings of strength and comfort each day. We ask these things…

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