Tuesday, August 25

Today, President Donald Trump will accompany First Lady Melania Trump as she addresses the Republican National Convention from the White House Rose Garden in Washington, D.C.

While in Mills River, North Carolina on Monday, the president spoke about what his administration is doing to recover from the coronavirus pandemic:

“In our fight against the virus, we’ve launched this mobilization, and it’s the biggest since World War Two. Biggest and most successful, too.”

The president continued, “Through Operation Warp Speed, three vaccine candidates are in the final phase of clinical tests. Normally, that would take two years to get there, maybe longer. And we expect to have a vaccine available before the end of the year and maybe a lot sooner than that. 

“To care for hardworking Americans, we continue to deliver unprecedented financial support. We passed the largest relief package in history. Altogether, we’ve delivered over $3 trillion in economic assistance to the American people, and the American farmer has done very well.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the president and first lady as they speak to the nation.
  • For President Trump’s administration as they work to ensure the safety and security of Americans.
  • For the Coronavirus Task Force as they work to end the pandemic and help the country recover.

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