Issue 679 – Verse of the Week

December 26th – January 1st, 2025


Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.  Matthew 6:34


Tomorrow is a word that can evoke anticipation in some and trepidation in others. One thing is certain: you do not know what the day will hold for you, much less the new year. Jesus told you not to worry about tomorrow. Worry is like a dense fog. The reality is that a patch of fog that covers seven city blocks to a depth of 100 feet contains very little water… less than 8 ounces. However, the trillions of droplets of water spread out over a large area blur your vision and slow you down if you try to navigate through it. Worry can fog your perspective and make things seem worse than they are. When you worry, you assume the responsibility for something you have no control over. When you release your desire for control to the Lord, your faith increases. Take your worries and concerns and cast them upon the Lord. As you approach the new year, allow God’s light and truth to dispel the fog of worry. Relax. God’s got it! 

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