2024 Democratic Party Platform: Healthcare

Health care should be a right in America, not a privilege. Every American deserves the peace of mind that quality, affordable coverage brings. That’s why Democrats fought so hard to pass the Affordable Care Act, providing 45 million Americans with insurance, guaranteeing protections for 100 million people with preexisting conditions, and protecting nearly 180 million people from lifetime coverage limits. Yet even now, 14 years after we passed that landmark law, Trump and Republicans are still threatening to repeal it. Democrats will never let that happen. We’ll never quit fighting to protect and expand the Affordable Care Act, making quality care more accessible and affordable, as the Biden-Harris Administration has done.

Today, more Americans have health insurance than ever in history. Coverage is up and costs are down. A record 21 million people signed up through the Affordable Care Act this year, helping to slash the uninsured rate from 16 percent in 2010 to under 8 percent now. Democrats have expanded the health insurance premium tax credit twice, saving millions of Americans an average of $800 a year on coverage; and helping an additional 1.7 million Latinos, 830,000 Black Americans, and 110,000 Asian Americans buy more affordable insurance. Republicans want to let those credits expire, increasing premiums. Democrats will fight to make them permanent.

As Democrats, we support Medicaid expansion, encouraging states to provide health coverage to low-income Americans on the federal government’s tab. The Administration has helped over a million people in four states to enroll; and we’ll keep pushing Congress to further expand Medicaid-like coverage to the 2.8 million uninsured low-income adults who live in states where Republicans still refuse the help. Democrats are working to protect kids’ health coverage as well, by removing financial barriers for the Children’s Health Insurance Program; and making it easier for families to keep kids on Medicaid. President Biden’s plan will let families go three years without having to resubmit Medicaid paperwork for children younger than six, reducing burdensome red tape.

Democrats believe that quality, affordable health care should be available in every corner of America. The Administration has invested in new mobile health clinics; and in keeping community and rural health centers, lifelines for tens of millions of people, open, well-staffed, and well-equipped. We want to double those investments now. And the Administration is cracking down on federally funded health care providers that turn away or otherwise discriminate against people on the basis of race, sex, age, national origin, or disability.

Democrats will keep working to grow the health care workforce, so workplace and other provider shortages no longer create barriers to quality care and inflate health care costs. We are investing in programs that train primary care practitioners, registered nurses, mental health specialists, and others to work across our health care system, including in rural and low-income areas.

The Administration is also cracking down on surprise medical billing and junk health insurance, so patients are no longer ambushed by unexpected bills or scammed into buying low-quality health coverage. Democrats will expand “no-surprise billing” to include costly ground ambulances; and we’ll keep using antitrust laws to stop hospital, insurance, and Big Pharma mergers that undermine competition and increase health care prices for consumers.

Big Pharma has ripped off Americans for years, charging two and three times more here than in other countries for the exact same medications. Nearly three in ten Americans can’t afford their prescriptions as a result. Instead of working to change that, Trump gave drugmakers massive tax breaks that only incentivized them to shift production overseas.

President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats took on Big Pharma and won. Democrats capped the price of insulin at $35 a month, down from as much as $400, for nearly 4 million seniors on Medicare. And President Biden persuaded the nation’s top three insulin makers to lower their prices for everyone. Now, we’ll fight to expand that $35 cap to cover everyone, saving millions of Americans with diabetes nearly $1,000 a year. Starting next year, the Inflation Reduction Act also caps total out-of-pocket drug costs at $2,000 a year for millions of seniors and others on Medicare. Democrats will fight until that cap covers every single American.

For the first time, Medicare now also has the ability to negotiate lower drug prices, as private insurers and the VA have done for decades. It started doing so this year, beginning with 10 commonly used medications for conditions such as diabetes and heart failure. Democrats will push to add at least 50 drugs a year to that list, lowering prices for 500 drugs this decade. Medicare Part-D is also working to cap cost-sharing for life-saving generics at $2 a dose; Democrats will make this mandatory for all Medicare beneficiaries.

The Administration is also leading the charge against Big Pharma price gouging, by requiring drugmakers that raise prices faster than inflation to pay the difference back to Medicare, which will then pass savings on to consumers. This will protect over 750,000 seniors, who could save as much as $4,500 per over-priced dose. Democrats will keep fighting to expand these rebates, applying them when drugmakers overcharge not just Medicare, but private insurers as well. We’re also cracking down on improper drug patent listings, which some drugmakers use to shut out competition. Once companies drop their improper patent listings, other companies will be free to make cheaper alternatives. The FTC’s work in this area has already pushed three of the biggest makers of inhalers to lower prices to $35 a month, saving people with asthma hundreds of dollars a year. The Administration also enacted rules to finally make hearing aids available over-the-counter, saving millions of Americans up to $3,000 a pair. And Democrats will continue the Administration’s work to require that any drugs developed with taxpayer dollars be available to taxpayers, including at reasonable prices. Democrats will keep working to lower drug prices by requiring more transparency from the “pharmacy benefit manager” middlemen who generally decide which drugs are covered by insurance and bought by doctors, and how much they cost.

All these actions will benefit family budgets. And they’ll boost the federal budget, too – reducing the deficit by $160 billion over the next ten years, as Medicare no longer has to pay Big Pharma exorbitant prices.

Every Democrat in Congress voted for the Inflation Reduction Act, the historic law behind these savings. Every single Republican voted against it – against $35 insulin for seniors, against Medicare negotiating lower prices, against saving millions of seniors’ money on life-saving drugs. Now, Trump and his MAGA allies are promising to repeal it entirely, and to funnel our savings back into Big Pharma’s pockets. We won’t let that happen.

SPECIAL NOTE: The full platform for each party can be found on their respective websites. The following excerpts are unedited. Reader discretion is encouraged as these are political statements and have not been checked for accuracy. The Presidential Prayer Team is non-partisan and does not support or endorse any of the following statements.

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