Administration Addresses Increasing De Minimus Shipments

Departments of Homeland Security and Commerce implement changes in tariff-exempt importing.

The Departments of Homeland Security and Commerce announced that they will take action regarding “the exponential growth of small packages claiming the de minimis exemption.“ These shipments under $800 in value are exempt from tariffs and have been allowed into the country with less information provided than larger imports.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection will play a key role in the new focus “by targeting and blocking shipments that violate U.S. laws as they arrive in airports, express consignment facilities, international mail facilities, and ports of entry across the country.“

“The actions announced today by the Biden-Harris Administration will help the Department keep pace with global electronic commerce and improve our ability to protect communities from fentanyl and its precursor chemicals,” said DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “Our Administration remains ready and eager to work with Congress to pass badly-needed, long-overdue comprehensive de minimis reform legislation and ensure border officials have the resources and tools they need to track and target the millions of small-dollar shipments that enter our country every day.”

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo highlight the part China plays in the increase in low-cost e-commerce imports.

“American workers and businesses can outcompete anyone on a level playing field, but for too long, Chinese e-commerce platforms have skirted tariffs by abusing the de minimis exemption,” said Secretary Raimondo. She said her department will “work with interagency partners to develop these new proposed rules that would promote consumer safety, prevent unfair trade practices, and protect American workers and industries.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For DHS Secretary Mayorkas and Acting CBP Director Miller as they take action to slow the entry of illicit substances into the nation.
  • For Secretary Raimondo and Commerce Department officials as they seek to ensure a level playing field for U.S. businesses in the domestic market.

Sources: Department of Homeland Security, Department of Commerce


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