Defense Department Under Secretary Hosts Prototypes Event for AUKUS

New unmanned marine vehicles were showcased along with the software to run them.

This summer, the Department of Defense (DoD) demonstrated a number of new marine-based unmanned technologies for members of AUKUS, the military alliance between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The event was hosted by the Office of the Defense Under Secretary for Research and Engineering, showcasing the sensors and communication abilities of these new watercraft.

“Following last month’s testing, the DoD will ship select platforms and technologies to Australia to conduct follow-on experiments under the AUKUS Maritime Big Play initiative,” the Defense Department stated. “Maritime Big Play is a series of integrated trilateral experiments and exercises aimed at enhancing capability development, improving interoperability, and increasing the sophistication and scale of autonomous systems in the maritime domain.“

“By fostering a spirit of innovation and collaboration, participants are identifying areas where joint research, development, assessment, and experimentation can advance combat capability in the maritime domain.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For U.S. and allied officials as they pursue the development of unmanned combat vessels.
  • For the Defense Under Secretary for Research and Engineering to seek God’s guidance as he promotes autonomous maritime systems.

Sources: Department of Defense


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