Transportation Department Reports Lower Flight Cancelation Rate for Labor Day

The current year cancelation rate rests at 0.7 percent below the 10-year average.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, flight cancelation rates have hovered at around 1.6 percent at the start of Labor Day weekend, continuing the trend of lower-than-average cancelation rates.

After record-breaking flight cancelations in 2020 and 2022, the 10-year average cancelation rate continues to rest at 2.3 percent. Despite higher-than-average flyers and flight disruptions, 2024 cancelation rates remain 0.7 percent below the 10-year average.

“Air travel volumes this summer are the highest on record,” the department stated. “The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has already screened 239.8 million people since Memorial Day weekend, which is an average of 2.7 million per day. The top ten busiest travel days in the agency’s history have all occurred this year since May 2024, and a new milestone was reached on July 7, when more than 3 million people were screened in a single day for the first time.“

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Administrator Pekoske to seek God’s direction as he heads the TSA.
  • For Transportation Department officials as they review and report travel data.
  • For the safety of the millions of people traveling this holiday weekend.

Sources: Department of Transportation


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