Customs and Border Patrol Expands Electronic Asylum Applications in Mexico

The CBP One app launched in 2020 for the scheduling of asylum request appointments.

Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) recently expanded the availability of its mobile asylum filing application, adding the southernmost Mexican states to the CBP One access eligibility area.

The CBP One mobile app was first launched in October 2020, and more than 765,000 people have scheduled asylum request appointments since its launch. President Biden’s administration has been processing 1,500 of those appointments every day.

Because of the CBP One app, migrants have a greater incentive to remain in Mexico while they wait for an appointment, where South American cartels fight for access to this vulnerable demographic. Now that the CBP One app has been approved for southern Mexican states, violence has spread along with it as cartels work to recruit smugglers, offer expensive deals for illegal immigration, or assault and kidnap migrants outright. 

The agency stated, “As of Friday, August 23, 2024, non-Mexican migrants will be able to request and schedule appointments from the Southern Mexico states of Tabasco and Chiapas, in addition to their existing ability to request and schedule an appointment from Northern and Central Mexico — enabling them to make appointments without having to travel all the way north to do so.“

Immigration and border security are key issues in this year’s presidential election.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Acting Commissioner Troy Miller as he oversees Customs and Border Protection.
  • For CBP officers and agents as they process the thousands of asylum seekers each day.
  • For God’s protection over those who are vulnerable that the cartels and smugglers seek to prey upon.

Sources: AP News, Customs and Border Protection


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