Justice Department Says “Crime Free” Housing Programs Likely Illegal

The administration sends letters to police departments warning of potential discrimination.

The Justice Department (DOJ) sent a letter to state and local police departments, informing them that certain aspects of “crime-free” or “nuisance” residential programs may be illegal. 

“Even when well-intentioned, these programs can disrupt lives, force families into homelessness and result in loss of jobs, schooling and opportunities for people who are disproportionately low-income people of color – all in violation of federal law,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. 

Crime-free programs, often enforced by local police forces, are common throughout the United States and are intended to make cities safer by reducing crime in certain areas. However, these programs may do so by restricting housing for people with an arrest record, imposing penalties for disability-related issues, or, in some cases, discriminating based on race.

“The Justice Department will continue to fight discriminatory and unlawful housing programs across the country while supporting state and local law enforcement and governments to prevent violent crime without violating the right to fair and equal access to housing,” Assistant Attorney General Clarke said.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Assistant Attorney General Clarke as she seeks to ensure law enforcement upholds access to housing as crime prevention strategies are implemented.
  • For DOJ officials to be discerning in their evaluations of civil rights infringements by local police.

Sources: Department of Justice


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