President Announces $150 Million for “Cancer Moonshot“ Development

The funding will go toward removal technology with a goal of halving cancer deaths by 2047.

President Joe Biden announced another $150 million investment into cancer treatment development, the latest effort to move forward the mission of “Cancer Moonshot.” President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot has a goal of cutting the U.S. cancer death rate in half by 2047. This latest investment is intended to improve cancer removal technology.

Surgery is one of the first steps taken by most doctors to address cancer of all kinds. Improved technology to more accurately identify and remove cancer tissue may reduce a patient’s risk of cancer’s resurgence.

President Biden made this most recent investment announcement at Tulane University in New Orleans, which houses one of the research facilities receiving this round of funding.

“There’s still more to do but we know we can do it,” President Biden said, underscoring the importance of sharing data and information to fundamentally change the fight against cancer.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the president and his administration officials to be discerning as they pursue the goals and agenda in the remaining months of his term.
  • For the recipients of the research technology awards to make efficient and effective use of the funding.

Sources: Reuters, CNN


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