Governing Officials Call for Senator Menendez to Resign

Pressure increases after a federal jury returned guilty verdict on 18 counts in corruption trial.

Senator Bob Menendez is facing growing pressure to resign from his office after a federal jury found him guilty on all counts in a corruption trial. The guilty verdicts included charges of bribery, extortion, fraud, and acting as a foreign agent for the country of Egypt. Governor Phil Murphy and Representative Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey called on the Senate to expel Senator Menendez, becoming the first members of his party to call for his formal expulsion from office.

A growing consensus in the Senate majority is calling on Senator Menendez to voluntarily resign. Senator Cory Booker, also of New Jersey, has stated he will introduce a resolution to expel his colleague if he does not step down.

Senator Booker said, “He must stand up now and leave the Senate, and if he refuses to do that… I will lead that effort to make sure he’s removed from the Senate.”

After the verdict was returned on Tuesday, Senator Menendez said the jury was wrong and “I have never violated my public oath. I have never been anything but a patriot of my country and for my county.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer may wait until the session resumes next week to consider expulsion. A two-thirds majority would be required to expel a senator from the upper chamber.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For wisdom for members of the Senate as they consider the possible expulsion of Senator Menendez.
  • For political officials in the state of New Jersey to be discerning as they respond to the verdict in the corruption trial.
  • For Senator Menendez, his wife, and family as he maintains his innocence.

Sources: Townhall, The Hill, CBS News


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