Issue 651 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs

Pray for America’s Military

The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard have monitored Russian warships as they conduct military exercises in the Atlantic and Caribbean en route to Cuba. Officials in the Pentagon and State Department stated that this activity is routine and that Russian vessels visited Cuba each year from 2013 through 2020.

Pray for U.S. defense officials to be discerning as they monitor Russia’s military drills and transit through the Atlantic and Caribbean.


The United States and Ukraine are about to sign a long-term security agreement at the G7 Summit. The two nations have engaged in months of negotiations over the partnership which would have the U.S. train Ukrainian troops, expand intelligence sharing and military assistance, and support the production of weapons and equipment for the next 10 years.

Pray for President Biden and his military advisors to be prudent as they enter into the security agreement with Ukraine.


The United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution proposed by the United States for a ceasefire in Gaza. U.S. Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said, “The cease-fire deal would pave the way toward an enduring cessation of hostilities and a better future for all. This is an opportunity to chart a different course.” Hamas has made requests to change the terms of the resolution.

Pray for U.S. diplomats as they seek the implementation of a ceasefire in Gaza.


The Food and Drug Administration has approved two new over-the-counter glucose monitoring devices from Abbott Laboratories. One is for those who are health conscious while the other is for those with type 2 diabetes.

Pray for FDA officials and researchers as they review and determine whether or not therapeutic devices are a benefit to the American public.


The U.S. government downgraded the economic growth from its estimated 1.6 percent to the actual 1.3 percent. This reflects the slowest quarterly growth rate since 2022. While consumer spending rose, high interest rates and inflation continue to be an inhibitor.

Pray for U.S. economic and treasury officials to be discerning as they project grownth and inflation in the U.S.

Pray for Needs Across the States

The minimum wage in Oregon will increase $.50 per hour beginning July 1. The state legislature adopted an automatic annual schedule eight years ago that determines the rise in wages. The state has a three-tiered system for wages, with the highest being in the Portland metro, a standard wage, and a lower wage in counties outside urban areas.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore issued an executive order providing specific courses of action under the Climate Solutions Now Act that the state legislature passed two years ago. The order seeks to eliminate oil and natural gas-powered furnaces and water heaters from new homes or as replacements in existing homes.

Pray for state officials to be prudent in the laws and regulations that enact to address the needs of their states.

Pray for America’s Faith Community

“The Bible often speaks of, in the New Testament, the manifestation of the discerning of spirits. We may use the phrase, ‘the gift of discernment‘ or the need to discern. Discernment is so necessary in the days in which we live. To be careful and seek the Lord’s counsel when you’re approached by someone, when someone is in your life, pressing into your life. When you see something, when you don’t want to assume anything, but you want to trust in the Lord. … Turn over to 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and then pick up there in verse 6, these are the presents of the Holy Spirit when you need them – manifestations. God will use them in your life to come alongside your spiritual gift. Notice, it says, ‘There are diversities of activities, but it’s the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.‘ … The Holy Spirit helps us in discerning between good and evil, holy and unholy, righteous and unrighteous. … You can ask for discernment. You can ask for a unique gifting of the Spirit in the moment to tell between right and wrong. You can ask ‘Is this from the Lord?‘ You can ask God, ‘Is this from You?‘ Even the pause, just pausing instead of running headlong into something is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is a manifestation of discernment where you’re not just running by emotion. You’re not just running by past experience. You’re not just running by what’s presented before you.“ – Pastor Ed Taylor, Abounding Grace, June 2024

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