Lord God, we follow You as the Good Shepherd, trusting in Your direction and calling upon our lives. We pray today for the pastors, teachers, and leaders in our churches and congregations of faith. Please draw them ever deeper into relationship with You as they care for Your people. Give them discernment to know and teach Your truth with boldness and compassion. Help us to encourage and support them as they deal with unique challenges to their role and answer Your call to serve Your body. Guide them by Your Spirit to nurture harmony and cultivate love within the community of believers. We ask these things in the name of Jesus, amen.
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Church attendance has been on the decline in America for many years. Less than half of U.S. adults belong to a congregation of faith. This was exacerbated over the last 18 months as many churches closed due to splits in the congregation over politics or how to proceed safely during the pandemic.
This has also led to added stress on church leaders, who are concerned over their congregations, as well as worrying about church finances, and in many cases needing to quickly adapt to digital and online worship. The joy that many felt during active ministry was suddenly gone in all ways that they had known.
We lift up our churches in prayer today. For internal strife to be mended. For brothers and sisters in Christ to be able to safely reunite in worship together. We lift up the ministers, pastors, priests, bishops, and all who serve as leaders in church congregations across the United States. As they represent the Lord, they carry the burdens of the people of faith under their care.
Member submitted Church and Faith Leaders
– In 2020, 47% of U.S. adults belonged to a church, synagogue or mosque
– Down more than 20 points from turn of the century
– Change primarily due to rise in Americans with no religious preference
We encourage you to take some time to lift each of these church leaders up, by name, in prayer. Pray that God would grant them wisdom to lead during difficult times, for kindness and understanding that emulates the grace of God, and for the mental fortitude to endure the changing world we live in. And pray that their work and teaching can reach hearts open to salvation and strengthen people’s relationships with our Heavenly Father.