Representatives Call for Transparency, Term Limits Over Health of Aging Elected Officials

Congressman Torres says, “Incapacitation… should be disclosed to the public.“

After Congresswoman Kay Granger of Texas missed voting in the House of Representatives for roughly six months, it was discovered that she had moved to an assisted living facility. She had reportedly been found wandering about her Fort Worth neighborhood and struggles with dementia-related issues.

Representative Granger served in the House for 30 years. She had previously been mayor of Fort Worth.

With 23 members of Congress at or over 80 years old, the health issues of aging legislators being hidden from the public has elicited concern on Capitol Hill.

“The public is entitled to far greater transparency about the health of the elected officials who represent them,” said Representative Ritchie Torres of New York. “The incapacitation of an elected official is a material fact that should be disclosed to the public, rather than concealed by staff. Transparency, not cover-ups, should be the norm.”

“We have a sclerotic gerontocracy,” stated Representative Ro Khanna of California. “We need term limits. We need to get big money out of politics so a new generation of Americans can run and serve.” 

Alternately, Representative Thomas Massie of Kentucky said he was “more concerned about the congressmen who have dementia and are still voting.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the incoming members of Congress as they consider term limits for members of the legislative branch.
  • For wisdom for incoming Senate Majority Leader Thune as he oversees the upper chamber.
  • For prudence for representatives as they prepare to vote on a Speaker for the House.

Sources: Politico, Newser


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