
Protecting the life of the unborn while preserving the reproductive rights of women

Abortion continues to be a contentious issue among Americans and a new Barna Group survey of adults shows it’s increasingly a confusing one as well.

One-quarter of those who say they are pro-life believe abortions should be allowed if the unborn child is less than one month old. Almost a quarter of pro-lifers believe abortions should be legal in all or most circumstances. George Barna states, “In spite of the fact that they call themselves ‘pro-life’ [and] they say that they wouldn’t have an abortion or advise somebody to have an abortion, they think that everybody should have the right to choose.” However, “Nearly nine out of ten adults who claim that they are pro-choice individuals also say that all human life is sacred,” Barna states.

Barna argues that many Americans want to avoid the conflict of taking a position, and they make their choices based on emotion rather than logic or faith – adding up to what he calls “a recipe for convoluted reasoning and indefensible positions.”


  • Pray that God would reveal His truth to America and to the world regarding the sanctity of human life and abortion.
  • Pray that God would give you wisdom from Scripture regarding His position on preborn children.
  • Intercede for America’s judges and justices to embrace truth on abortion from God’s Word.
  • Pray for the nation’s leaders, elected officials, and candidates running for office that they would seek the mind and heart of God concerning this issue.
  • Ask God for opportunities to have healthy discussions on the topic with other Christians

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