Religious Freedom

Religious freedom and freedom of speech are guaranteed to everyone by the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights

Religious freedom guaranteed under the United States Constitution is an ideal that believers greatly value. People of all faiths can meet and share their beliefs without repercussions. At least, that’s what the Constitution is meant to provide. However, as modern culture clashes with Bible teachings, religious freedom is being oppressed in the name of anti-discrimination.

The rise of secularism in the U.S. has shifted the conversation around religious freedom. As societal views become more diverse, the balancing act between religious freedom and other rights becomes more pronounced. Religious freedom does not extend to Christians only. Unfortunately, anti-Semitism is on the rise, not only around the world, but also in the United States.


  • Pray that religious freedom and freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights will be properly interpreted and carried out.
  • Be watchful and pray for the nation’s leaders as they pass laws and resolutions which may affect your religious freedom or freedom of speech and let your voice be heard with your vote.
  • Pray for wisdom in voting for specific politicians and, with God-given discernment, research what each of them stands for.

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