Issue 669 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs

Pray for America’s Military

Secretary Christine Wormuth and Chief of Staff General Randy George announced a new Army pay initiative that will provide soldiers deployed longer than 60 days an extra $240 per month. The new standard “operational deployment pay” will be retroactive to October 1st the beginning of the government’s fiscal year.

Pray for Secretary Wormuth and General George to receive God’s wisdom as they head the U.S. Army.


Italy’s Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, announced her nation is “working to implement the agreement on the loan [to Ukraine] backed by interest accrued from Russian assets which are frozen in Europe.” Leaders of the G7 countries agreed to provide such loans to Ukraine at the annual summit in June.

Pray for wisdom for the leaders of G7 nations as they provide loans to Ukraine from the interest on frozen Russian assets.


Secretary of State Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin wrote to Israel this week about the humanitarian situation in Gaza. The U.S. officials warned of a possible arms embargo if improvements are not made in the delivery of aid to Palestinians.

Pray for the president and secretaries of state and defense as they evaluate strategies regarding Israel and the Middle East.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) have warned that foreign-based online pharmacies are claiming to sell “safe, regulated medications when they are actually selling fake, counterfeit pills made with fentanyl or methamphetamine.” Authorities are cautioning consumers to look for red flags of fake pharmacies, including no prescription requirement, no proof of state or federal licensing, a lack of expiration dates on pills, and “deep discounts or prices that seem to good to be true.“

Pray for U.S. health officials as they seek to alert Americans to providers of potentially deadly counterfeit prescriptions.

Pray for Needs Across the States

The Ohio attorney general announced the arrest of several dozen people in a human trafficking sting. The statewide operation rescued 74 trafficking survivors and accused 132 of attempting to buy sex, with government workers and business owners among those arrested. The state’s AG said, “We have to attack this scourge by curbing the demand.“

A jury in a Pennsylvania state court awarded a man $78 million for his claim of contracting cancer from using Roundup. The plaintiff’s attorneys accused Bayer, who manufactures the weedkiller, of acting “with reckless indifference to people’s safety.”

Pray for state officials, state judges, and those serving on state juries as they seek to uphold justice.

Pray for America’s Faith Community

“Proverbs 28 verse 2 says, ‘When the righteous,‘ that is those who do right, it doesn’t even mean that they’re a believer or not. They do the right thing. That ‘when those who do the right thing are in authority, the people rejoice. But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.‘ 
You know, every first and third Monday of the month a street sweeper comes in front of my house. And I appreciate that… I don’t know if the guy’s a believer or not. He’s just driving the street sweeper! But I’m glad for him. I’m glad he has his job. I’m glad for his big truck. I’m glad for all the junk he picks up off my street I don’t run out and give him a kiss, or a high five or a thumb’s up, I’m just grateful he’s doing that thing. He is at his job, doing the right thing, and I’m glad… 
The police officer speeding to the crime scene to make things better or to set things straight. Is he a believer or not? Who knows!? But he’s doing the right thing. … When somebody who doesn’t even know God does the right thing, they’re ‘doing righteousness.‘ You understand that? Some Christians, in a naive manner, have said, ‘Well you know, because of that, I can’t vote for anybody because neither one of them are Christians.‘ You have completely missed the meaning of that verse. You vote for the person who does the right thing. That’s very important.“
Pastor Jack Hibbs, Real Life Radio, October 2024

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