Issue 667 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs

Pray for America’s Military

The U.S. Army is testing a “robot dog” armed with an artificial intelligence-enabled gun turret in the Middle East. It is intended to provide American service members with counter-drone capability. The Defense Department has already utilized robot dogs for perimeter security, ordinance disposal, and surveillance, among other duties.

Pray for Secretary Austin and Secretary Christine Wormuth as they employ innovative technologies in the combat theater.


Ukraine has withdrawn its troops from its eastern town of Vuhledar as Russia continues to attack the coal-mining town. Russian drones have been attacking Ukraine’s port infrastructure and power substations.

For discernment for U.S. officials as they continue to provide military aid to Ukraine. For wisdom for international leaders regarding potential negotiations for peace.


The Pentagon announced that a few thousand additional troops are being deployed to the Middle East to be ready to aid Israel in its defense. Defense Secretary Austin has “increased the readiness of additional U.S. forces to deploy, elevating our preparedness to respond to various contingencies.”

Pray for U.S. and Israeli leaders as Iran launches fresh attacks against Israel.


The study by the Center for Gun Violence Solutions at Johns Hopkins University, often cited to support the claim that gun violence is the leading cause of death among children and teens, includes 18- and 19-year-old adults.

Pray for U.S. officials to be accurate in the recording and reporting of mortality statistics.

Pray for Needs Across the States

North Carolina is trying to figure out how they will process voters in the upcoming election when they may have lost their IDs in the catastrophic flooding of Hurricane Helene. Late last month, the state board of elections purged 747,000  from registered voter rolls due to ineligibility.

A Georgia Superior Court judge ruled the state’s law protecting the unborn with a detectable heartbeat is unconstitutional. The decision is in opposition to rulings by both the U.S. Supreme Court and the Georgia Supreme Court.

Pray for state officials and judges as they determine what courses of action and which laws are in harmony with the U.S. and state constitutions.

Pray for America’s Faith Community

The greatest Giver in the world is God, obviously. ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.‘ And the greatest gift that God has ever given is Jesus. But, in addition to giving us Jesus, God has given us special gifts. Special gifts for those who make up the body of Christ, who make up His Church in the world, His elect, His born-again ones.
Every true Christian has a spiritual gift, at least one, maybe more than one. … When you are saved, you are given the Holy Spirit. That’s what makes Christianity, in the New Testament, that’s what makes Christianity so different. Jesus said to His disciples, ‘It’s to your advantage that I go away, because if I don’t go away, the Holy Spirit won’t come. And when the Holy Spirit comes, He’s going to be just like Me, and He’s going to be with you, and He’s going to be in you.‘ … That’s the mystery of Christianity, that Paul said Christ would live inside through the Holy Spirit. … The Holy Spirit comes in bearing gifts, and He gives you a spiritual gift. … He gives each one of us a special gift and He wants us to use this grace gift for His glory.– Dr. Jeff Schreve, From His Heart, October 2024

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