Treasury Designates Russian, North Korean Sanction-Evasion Network

Targets five entities and one individual based in Russian-occupied Georgia.

The Treasury Department sanctioned five entities and one individual for enabling Russia and North Korea to evade U.S. sanctions put in place against them. 

As the U.S. and other nations have taken steps to cut Russia off from their economies as it wars with Ukraine, Russia has increasingly relied on North Korea for access to the international banking system. The entities targeted by the Treasury, based in a Georgian territory currently occupied by Russia, have aided in these efforts. 

“Today’s action underscores our significant concern with efforts by Russia and the DPRK to deepen financial cooperation, in violation of UN Security Council resolutions,” said Acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Bradley Smith. “The United States remains strongly committed to leveraging all our available tools to disrupt this and other schemes intended to support Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and enable the DPRK’s illicit access to the international financial system.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Acting Under Secretary Smith as he oversees the Treasury’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.
  • For wisdom for Secretary Yellen and Treasury officials as they determine the individuals and entities to designate for sanctions.

Sources: Department of the Treasury


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