Labor Department Contacts Employers Ahead of Potential Port Worker Strike 

The existing contract for 45,000 workers expires on September 30.

The U.S. Labor Department has contacted the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) as port workers threaten to go on strike starting October 1.  USMX is the employer group that works with the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), a port workers union made up of over 45,000 workers at half of America’s ports.

The contract between the two parties will expire at midnight on September 30, and negotiations on a new master contract have fallen through.

Members of the House have joined retail industry groups in encouraging President Biden’s administration to facilitate negotiations as a port strike, reaching from Maine to Texas, could result in “dire impacts to our supply chains, our economy, and the American consumer.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For discernment for Actin Secretary Julie Su as she heads the Labor Department.
  • For U.S. labor officials as they seek to avert a port worker strike.

Sources: Reuters, Newsweek


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