Administration Launches National Effort to Address Extreme Heat

White House hosts first Summit on Extreme Heat, calling for action to strengthen climate resilience and protect vulnerable populations.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has reported the U.S. experiencing its fourth-hottest summer on record. The Biden-Harris Administration hosted the first White House Summit on Extreme Heat, which brought together federal agencies, healthcare professionals, emergency responders, and community leaders. The summit was focused on addressing extreme heat while advancing environmental justice. The administration also emphasized the need for local solutions, tailored responses, and community-driven approaches to mitigate heat-related risks.

At the summit, National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi announced an Extreme Heat Call to Action, urging governments, the private sector, and nonprofits to prepare for future heat waves. The initiative encourages actions such as improving tree canopies, installing cooling infrastructure, and equipping responders for heat emergencies. The White House also introduced a Draft Community Heat Action Checklist to help local governments plan for extreme heat. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) issued a toolkit for international missions to ensure workforce well-being during extreme heat and announced $18 million in humanitarian aid for communities affected by climate change-related heat and drought.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the White House climate advisor and administration officials as they endeavor to prepare communities to address climate issues.
  • For the president, vice president, and administration advisors to seek the Lord regarding climate interventions.

Sources: The White House


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