Treasury Sanctions Hezbollah Petroleum Gas Smuggling Network

Five companies and two vessels tied to Hezbollah finance team sanctioned.

The Treasury Department announced that it has sanctioned ten entities tied to Hezbollah’s oil and gas smuggling network. Three individuals, five companies, and two vessels managed by Hezbollah finance authorities were targeted for running the network, which the Treasury Department said generates millions of dollars in revenue for the Lebanese political party.

“Hezbollah continues to launch rockets into Israel and fuel regional instability, choosing to prioritize funding violence over taking care of the people it claims to care about, including the tens of thousands displaced in southern Lebanon,” said Acting Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Bradley Smith. “Treasury will continue to disrupt the oil smuggling and other financing networks that support Hezbollah’s war machine.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For wisdom for Acting Under Secretary Smith as he oversees the Treasury’s Office for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.
  • For Secretary Yellen and Treasury Department officials as they seek to disrupt financing to Hezbollah.

Sources: MSN, Department of the Treasury


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