Special Counsel Finds Navy Secretary in Violation of Hatch Act

Secretary Del Toro’s remarks in support of President Biden breached federal law.

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) confirmed that Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro violated the Hatch Act, which governs political activity by federal employees, during a trip to the United Kingdom in January. The Navy secretary’s comments in support of President Joe Biden’s re-election and concern over a potential second term for Donald Trump, were found to be in breach of the act. This conclusion was reached despite Secretary Del Toro previously participating in multiple briefings on Hatch Act restrictions.

While his attorney stated that the comments were spontaneous and occurred in a foreign press context, the OSC did not find this justification credible and referred the matter to the president for potential disciplinary action.

“The best way for federal employees, including agency leaders, to avoid Hatch Act violations is to check with us before — not after — doing something that might run afoul of the law,” Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger stated. “The enforcement decisions announced today involve officials and employees who acted without seeking advice.”

The OSC also reviewed two other cases regarding potential Hatch Act violations, clearing Education Secretary Miguel Cardona and former Attorney General William Barr of any wrongdoing.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For wisdom for those in the Office of Special Counsel as they review potential violations of federal election law.
  • For members of the president’s administration to abide by federal election regulations and uphold election integrity.

Sources: GovExec, Defense News, CNN


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