HUD Settles Racial Discrimination Allegations with Harris County, Texas

The agreement requires the county to distribute a “Notice of Rights” to Hispanic neighborhoods.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development entered into a Voluntary Compliance Agreement with Harris County, Texas, settling allegations that the county discriminated against its Hispanic neighborhoods. As part of its disaster relief protocol, the department offers housing buyout programs to families interested in relocating out of disaster-prone areas.

A complaint alleged that the Harris County government was enforcing a mandatory buyout program among its Hispanic neighborhoods while offering a voluntary buyout program to Caucasian residents. To resolve this allegation, Harris County agreed to distribute a “Notice of Rights” in both Spanish and English to allow those potentially impacted to appeal their buyout.

“Buyout programs are important tools that help families relocate from disaster-prone areas but cannot be used in a discriminatory way that adversely impact vulnerable communities of color,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Diane Shelley. “HUD remains committed to equitable disaster recovery and resilience, and to ensuring that disaster recovery funds provided by HUD are administered consistent with applicable civil rights laws.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For PDAS Shelley to look to God for guidance as she fulfills her role in HUD.
  • For Acting Secretary Todman and HUD officials as they seek to ensure equality in housing and buyout programs.

Sources: Department of Housing and Urban Development


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