Interior Assistant Secretary Visits Tribal Projects in Washington and Alaska

He met with Tribal leadership to visit previous recipients of department funding.

The Interior Department’s Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, Bryan Newland, visited Tribal Nations in Washington and Alaska to see how department resources are assisting Tribal communities. Assistant Secretary Newland participated in the release of 50 Chinook salmon, which were raised by the Chehalis Reservation members, into Rufus Woods Lake.

The assistant secretary then visited the Paschal Sherman Indian School, a school with a tragic past that has been transformed into a safer place for Tribal students. The school was first built as a boarding school in 1886, which removed Native American children from their cultures for almost 100 years. The school is now managed by the Colville Reservation to offer Tribally-integrated education to K-9 students.

Assistant Secretary Newland concluded his visit at a seafood processing plant operated by the Sun’aq Tribe and toured a preschool working to preserve the Sugpiaq language.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Assistant Secretary Newland to be discerning as he oversees the Office of Indian Affairs.
  • For Secretary Haaland to seek God’s guidance as she heads the Interior Department.

Sources: Department of the Interior


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