President Honors the Fallen on the Anniversary of the Kabul Attack

13 American service members and over 100 Afghanis were killed at Abbey Gate three years ago.

On Monday, President Joe Biden honored the memory of the 13 American service members who were killed in the terrorist attack at Abbey Gate outside the Kabul airport three years ago.

“These 13 Americans—and the many more that were wounded—were patriots in the highest sense,“ the president said. “They embodied the very best of who we are as a nation: brave, committed, selfless. And we owe them and their families a sacred debt we will never be able to fully repay, but will never cease working to fulfill.“

President Biden continued, “Today, our longest war is over. But our commitment to preventing attacks on our homeland—or our people—never will be. We will continue to disrupt terrorist activity, wherever we find it. We will continue to deliver justice to terrorists who plot against America—just as we have over the last three years with the leader of al-Qaeda and the global leader of ISIS.“

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the president, vice president, and their military advisors as they assess the conflicts around the world.
  • For God’s comfort for the families of all fallen U.S. service members and for healing for those who have been wounded or disabled.

Sources: The White House


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