Interior Announces $7 Million for Indian Youth Service Corp Projects

The funding is being distributed under the Investing in America Agenda.

The Department of the Interior will distribute close to $7 million the the Indian Youth Services Corps for conservation projects nationwide.

The department stated this funding “will further advance the American Climate Corps, the Biden-Harris administration’s effort to empower a new, diverse generation of Americans to tackle the climate crisis and become part of a growing clean energy and climate-resilience workforce.“

“Since time immemorial, Indigenous people have stewarded our nation’s lands and waters,” said Secretary Haaland. “Through the Indian Youth Service Corps, the Interior Department is preparing and supporting the next generation of stewards who will make lasting impacts for people, the environment, wildlife, and Tribal communities across the nation. When we invest in Indian Country, we invest in America.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For wisdom for Secretary Haaland as she collaborates with Tribal leaders and oversees support for Native American conservation projects.
  • For Interior Department officials to be prudent in their investments of taxpayer dollars into stewardship of public lands.

Sources: Department of the Interior


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