U.S. Agencies Claim Iran Responsible for Cyber Operations Against Presidential Campaigns

United States Iran flags
The joint statement alleges Iran is behind the hack of former President Trump’s campaign website.

This week, U.S. intelligence agencies accused Iran of organizing cyber operations to influence the U.S. presidential election.

“We have observed increasingly aggressive Iranian activity during this election cycle,” said a joint statement released by the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, which oversees the protection of government computer systems.

They continued, “This includes the recently reported activities to compromise former President Trump’s campaign, which the IC (intelligence community) attributes to Iran.”

The joint statement verifies a report from former President Trump’s campaign last month, which said that its website was targeted and compromised. The campaign confirmed that only publicly available information was accessed. 

After the hack, the FBI investigated potential cyberattacks against Vice President Harris’ campaign. While none were successful, the FBI confirmed that cyberattacks against the campaign are ongoing.

Iran’s mission to the United Nations issued a statement denying the allegations.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For wisdom for the heads of the U.S. intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies.
  • For U.S. cyber security officials as they seek to ensure the protection and defense of the candidates’ campaigns and the election at large.

Sources: Reuters, Politico


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