House Committees Release Impeachment Report on President Biden

The report finds that the president engaged in “egregious“ corrupt conduct.

The House Oversight Committee, House Judiciary Committee, and House Ways and Means Committee released a 293-page report on the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

The introduction to the report stated, “President Joe Biden conspired to commit influence peddling and grift. In doing so, he abused his office and, by repeatedly lying about his abuse of office, has defrauded the United States to enrich his family.“

“Not one of these transactions would have occurred, but for Joe Biden’s official position in the United States government,” the report continues. “Joe Biden has exhibited conduct and taken actions that the Founders sought to guard against in drafting the impeachment provisions in the Constitution: abuse of power, foreign entanglements, corruption, and obstruction of investigations into these matters.”

“The Constitution’s remedy for a President’s flagrant abuse of office is clear: impeachment by the House of Representatives and removal by the Senate,” the report recommends. “The House’s decision to pursue articles of impeachment must not be made lightly. As such, this report endeavors to present the evidence gathered to date so that all Members of the House may assess the extent of President Biden’s corruption.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For chairs and members of the committees as they pursue the possible impeachment of President Biden.
  • For the president and members of the administration to have integrity as they conduct the business of the executive branch.

Sources: Newsweek, USA Today, NY Post


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