Justice Department Charges Man for Threatening to Bomb Florida Energy Facility

FBI director reports the Jordanian attacked Orlando businesses, leaving behind anti-Israel “Warning Letters.”

The Department of Justice charged an Orlando resident with four counts of threatening to use explosives and one count of destruction of an energy facility this week, holding the man in detention until his trial. The Jordanian citizen claimed that Israel’s war in Gaza is genocidal. Hashem Younis Hashem Hnaihen destroyed the property of local businesses he perceived as supporting Israel, leaving “Warning Letters” threatening to bomb a solar panel array and a gas distribution depot.

“Under the guise of expressing his beliefs, the defendant allegedly attacked a power facility and threatened local businesses, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “Violence and destruction of property to threaten and intimidate others will never be tolerated. The FBI and our partners will work together to pursue and hold accountable those who resort to violence.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Director Wray to seek God’s guidance as he heads the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  • For wisdom for Attorney General Merrick Garland as he oversees the Justice Department.

Sources: Department of Justice


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