VA Launches Call Center to Protect Veterans from Fraud and Scams

The department establishes the VSAFE website and call center for assistance.

The Department of Veterans Affairs has launched resources to help protect U.S. veterans, service members, and their families from fraud and scams. The VSAFE (Veterans, Servicemembers, and Families Fraud Evasion) website and call center are designed to inform veterans and their families of common schemes and provide tools to protect against them. The resources were developed in conjunction with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Department of Defense, Department of Education, Department of State, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Trade Commission, Internal Revenue Service, Office of Management & Budget, and Social Security Administration.

“This new call center and website are a one-stop-shop for Veterans, service members, and their families to help avoid fraud and scams,” said VA Secretary Denis McDonough. “We know that more Veterans than ever before are now receiving VA benefits, which sadly means that more bad actors are trying to steal those benefits. That’s why we’re launching these tools: to give these heroes every tool at the federal government’s disposal to protect themselves and their families.”

“Predatory actors are constantly looking for new ways to exploit new and evolving technologies to target service members, compromising their personal data and financial stability as well as their military readiness,” said Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Rohit Chopra. “The VSAFE initiative is a key component of a whole-of-government collaboration to protect veterans from fraudsters and scammers, and the CFPB is committed to working with our partners in this important effort.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For discernment for Secretary McDonough as he heads the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • For Director Chopra to be prudent as he oversees the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
  • For veterans and active duty military personnel to avail themselves of the information to avoid being victimized by fraud and scams.

Sources: Department of Veterans Affairs


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