USDA Announces Funding to Preserve Private Lands

$190 million in grants support landowners’ partnership with governments on forest preservation.

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack recently announced that $190 million has been made available for private forest landowners looking to preserve their lands with expert collaboration. These programs will allow landowners to cost-share with state governments and nonprofit organizations to improve the resiliency of their forests, allowing them to strategically thin forests, conduct targeted land burns, and use other key preservation tactics.

“Climate change threatens people, communities, infrastructure, and natural resources across the country,” said Secretary Vilsack. “Healthy, resilient forests can better withstand climate change impacts, and contribute to climate solutions by storing additional carbon… These strategic investments represent our commitment to an all-lands, all-hands approach to investing in rural communities and mitigating the climate crisis.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For discernment for Secretary Vilsack as he advocates for private land preservation and forest management.
  • For USDA officials as they provide grants for programs to address climate change.

Sources: Department of Agriculture


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