Issue 657 – Verse of the Week

July 25th – July 31st, 2024


All that the Lord has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient. – Exodus 24:7


Paper towel manufacturers demonstrate the quickness of their products’ strength and ability to absorb spills without losing a drop. Similarly, God calls you to soak up and retain His Word, which strengthens your personal walk with Him. Absorbing means more than simply reading. It is applying God’s Word to life’s situations, internalizing and letting it make changes in your life. Absorbing the Bible requires action. Try reading your Scripture and devotional aloud. This engages more than one of your senses and helps to carry it further through your day. Pray over the passages you have read. Speak with God about what you heard from Him and thank Him for the inspiration that comes from what you read. You might underline an important verse, even put a date and a couple of words in the margin to indicate why it meant something on that particular day. You could take notes or journal out what God is showing you. Writing will further engage your mind and heart. Finally, express your awe and delight to the Lord over His desire to communicate with and be known by you!

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