Issue 657 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs

Pray for America’s Military

U.S. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall announced an agreement for Boeing to produce the first rapid prototype E-7 battle management aircraft. The service is planning to replace the aging E-3 Sentry airborne warning and control system (AWACS) fleet with the E-7.

Pray for leaders in the Armed Forces and the Pentagon as they make decisions about upgrading and modernizing weapons and technologies.


Ukrainian drone attacks have struck a ferry port and vehicles in several villages in Russia. A Russian drone attacked a northeastern Ukraineian energy facility leaving 50,000 without power. Russia’s defense ministry also reported destroying 25 Ukrainian aerial drones earlier this week.

Pray for discernment for U.S. governing officials as they continue to assess the support and aid requests from Ukraine.


After speaking before a joint session of Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Joe Biden to discuss the conflicts his nation faces with Hamas and Hezbollah. The two leaders discussed the need to strengthen the alliance between Israel and the U.S.

Pray for wisdom for the president and U.S. foreign advisors as they assess the requests of Israel for continued and increased support.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating a Listeria outbreak across a dozen states connected to deli meat. Officials report that the disease is dangerous to vulnerable populations and recommends heating deli meat to 165º before consuming.

Pray for CDC officials as they seek the source of the Listeria outbreak.

Pray for Needs Across the States

Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen issued a “statement of principles” ahead of the legislature’s special session to address tax exemptions. The exemptions the governor proposed include no sales tax on food, human medicines, agriculture inputs, or manufacturing materials.

The Maryland Board of Public Works approved Governor Wes Moore’s plan to reduce the state’s operating budget to increase Medicaid and state childcare programs.

Pray for state officials as they seek to manage their budgets, evaluate taxes, and provide programs..

Pray for America’s Faith Community

“Jesus is dying on the cross and He says, ‘Today, you shall be with Me in Paradise.‘ … You know that Jesus died before the thief did, you remember the soldiers were surprised that he died so soon and he was dead when they got to him. What that means is that Jesus was already there in Paradise, waiting for the thief, and he was probably the very first one to greet him. They met, that day, in Paradise. … Paul said, ‘I have a desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better.‘ He says, I want to die. I am itching to get on with my glorification. My bags are packed, I’m ready to go. But, he says, ‘to abide in the flesh is more needful for you. And therefore God has not yet given me the privilege of death.‘ That will come a little later. What an optimistic view about death. … the reason the Apostle Paul is so excited to die is, he was saying, ‘I can hardly wait until I see Jesus and it is so exciting to me, I wish I could go today. But God wants me to live for your benefit.‘ And he was expecting to see Christ at death. … In 2 Corinthians chapter 5, ‘To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.‘“ – Erwin Lutzer, Running to Win, July 2024

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