Issue 657 – Federal Branches

Praying for Our Leaders in Government

Executive Branch: Pray for the President and his Administration

Secretaries Blinken and Austin are meeting with counterparts across the Indo-Pacific to reassure allies about the commitment of the U.S. to foreign policy in the wake of President Biden dropping his bid for reelection.

Pray for the senior administration officials as they seek to strengthen Asian partnerships in the face of domestic political uncertainies.

Legislative Branch: Pray for Senators and Representatives in Congress

Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri wrote to Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas regarding a whistleblower report that the majority of the security personnel on duty when the assassination attempt was made on former President Trump were not Secret Service agents. Senator Hawley questioned the use of “unprepared and inexperienced“ Homeland Security Investigation agents who were “unfamiliar with standard protocols.“

Pray for senators and representatives in Congress as they strive to provide oversight of federal agencies and ensure appropriate conduct and functioning of departments.


The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, co-chaired by Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina and Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland, held a hearing this week to examine Russia’s persecution of Ukrainian Christians.

Pray for the chairs and members of committees and task forces as they hold investigations and hear testimony.

Judicial Branch: Pray for Supreme Court Justices and Federal Judges

The Supreme Court has been asked to consider a case that would protect the rights of parents to be involved in their children’s educational and personal development. Sixteen state attorneys general have made the request after the case was dismissed by district and circuit courts.

Pray for wisdom for the Supreme Court justices as they consider the cases they will add to their docket for the fall session.

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