Friday, July 19

Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell is in the United Kingdom to meet with senior UK officials in the new government to continue addressing pressing global challenges.

State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller said that the deputy would discuss “reaching an immediate and enduring ceasefire in Gaza and supporting Ukraine against Russia’s brutal aggression, as well as outcomes from the NATO Summit in Washington and priorities in the Indo-Pacific.“

Deputy Secretary Campbell met with leaders in Ghana, Gabon, and Senegal earlier in the week. He discussed democracy, governance, economic growth, and regional security with those nations’ presidents and governing officials.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For wisdom for the deputy secretary of state as he discusses global concerns with the new UK governing officials.
  • For Secretary Blinken and U.S. ambassadors to seek God’s direction in their diplomatic endeavors.
  • For the Lord’s purposes and plans to be fulfilled in the United States and throughout the world.

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