Labor Department Announces Investment in Employee Safety, Health Training, and Education

The agency provided grants through OSHA under the Good Jobs initiative.

The U.S. Department of Labor recently announced the release of over $12.7 million in training grants through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). These funds, provided by the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program, are intended to improve workplace safety and support the department’s Good Jobs initiatives. The grants focus on delivering instructor-led training to workers, supervisors, and employers in small businesses, high-risk industries, and underserved populations, including those with limited English proficiency and temporary workers.

The grants are divided into three categories: identifying and preventing workplace hazards; creating high-quality instructional materials on hazard prevention; and developing comprehensive safety education programs and expanding current training capabilities. 

Eligible applicants include labor unions, community organizations, employer associations, Native American and Native Hawaiian organizations, and public institutions of higher education. Applications must be submitted by July 26.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Assistant Secretary Douglas Parker to be led by the Lord as he heads OSHA.
  • For Acting Secretary Julie Su to be discerning as she oversees the Labor Department.

Sources: Department of Labor


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