Lisa Monaco, Deputy Attorney General

Lisa Monaco

Deputy Attorney General

Lisa Oudens Monaco was born in February 1968 in Boston, Massachusetts. She earned an undergraduate degree from Harvard University and earned a Juris Doctor from the University of Chicago Law School. She worked as an intern in the White House Counsel office during President Clinton’s administration. While in law school, she also interned at the D.C. Supreme Court and for the U.S. Department of Justice. Following law school, she clerked at the Third Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. 

She spent six years as an assistant U.S. attorney in the District of Columbia. Later she worked for FBI Director Robert Mueller, becoming his chief of staff. Monaco was appointed Associate Deputy Attorney General, focusing on national security issues. She later served as the Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General. She was appointed by President Barack Obama to be the Assistant Attorney General for National Security. 

During President Obama’s second term, she was his assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism. She later became a statutory member of the U.S. Homeland Security Council. In 2017, Monaco joined CNN as a political analyst and was a member of an international law firm. 

President Joe Biden nominated her to serve as Deputy Attorney General. The Senate confirmed her, and she assumed her position in April 2021. 

In the News…

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco recently led a delegation to Brussels, Belgium, for the U.S.-EU Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial. The gathering brings leaders from the Justice and Home Affairs Ministries of the European Union and the U.S. Departments of Justice and Homeland Security together to strengthen transatlantic collaboration.

While there, she reaffirmed the Justice Department’s “commitment to a critical alliance that combats shared risks to global security.“

The Justice Department stated, “The Ministers focused on addressing persistent threats to our nations, including organized crime, terrorism, cybercrime, and foreign malign influence — especially by nation-states seeking to sow discord and further their autocratic agendas amid this year’s global elections, when over four billion people are expected to vote.“

The department continued, “They also discussed international law enforcement collaboration to disrupt trafficking of cocaine and synthetic drugs, particularly fentanyl, as well as AI — including AI’s potential to enhance law enforcement operations and the risk that it could supercharge criminal activity.

Contact this Leader…

Did you pray for Deputy Attorney General Monaco? You can let her know at:

The Honorable Lisa Monaco 
Deputy Attorney General 
Department of Justice 
950 Pennsylvania Ave NW 
Washington, DC 20530 


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