Education Department Releases Civil Rights Guides for Cancer Patients

The information added applies to students experiencing sickle cell disease and epilepsy.

This month, the Department of Education released three new civil rights resources: one for students with cancer, another for students with sickle cell disease, and the third for students with epilepsy. These resources outline these students’ rights and protections to prevent discrimination within K-12 schools and higher education institutions that receive federal funding and show how these rights are enforced through the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon said, “These new resources will give all students experiencing sickle cell disease, epilepsy, or cancer, as well as their families and schools, important tools to understand when and how they are protected by federal disability rights laws.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Assistant Secretary Lhamon to be led by the Lord as she heads the Education Department’s Civil Rights Office.
  • For Secretary Cardona to be discerning as he oversees the Education Department’s policies and programs.

Sources: Department of Education


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