Issue 653 – Federal Branches

Praying for Our Leaders in Government

Executive Branch: Pray for the President and his Administration

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has declared that gun violence is a public health emergency. He suggested prevention efforts should be made similar to those against smoking or car accidents. He said, “Taking a public health approach to firearm violence prevention has the potential to curb the alarming trends of firearm-related injury and death in America and the resulting health impacts,”

Pray for discernment for officials in the president’s administration as they identify issues that face the United States and propose solutions to address them.

Legislative Branch: Pray for Senators and Representatives in Congress

After the surgeon general announced a public health emergency related to gun violence, some members of the Senate pointed out that, during Vivek Murthy’s confirmation hearing, the former and future surgeon general had declared that his focus was not on such a measure for gun control. At the time, many senators were concerned over Murthy’s stance against the Second Amendment.

Pray for Senate members as they review and hold hearings regarding the president’s nominees and consider whom to confirm.


The House Oversight Committee, chaired by Representative James Comer of Kentucky, as requested information from American Muslims for Palestine regarding “the funding of pro-Hamas propaganda and illegal encampments.“ Chair Comer wrote a letter to the executive director requesting documentation that would “inform legislation to ensure that federal agencies are able to adequately prevent money laundering and terrorist financing“ and help legislators determine whether “statutory reporting requirements on financial institutions related to money laundering and terrorist financing” should be updated.

Pray for the chairs and members of Congressional committees as they seek to prevent the financing of terrorism and money laundering.

Judicial Branch: Pray for Supreme Court Justices and Federal Judges

Federal judges in Missouri and Kansas have blocked parts of President Biden’s Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan in a lawsuit brought by state attorneys general. The Department of Education has been prohibited from further lowering or eliminating payments under the income-driven repayment program.

Pray for members of the federal judicial bench as they consider questions of the constitutionality of federal programs and policies.

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