Light Drives Out Darkness


The Presidential Prayer Team

Office of the President

June 20, 2024

Light Drives Out Darkness

Dear Beloved Member,

  Exciting news that you probably haven’t heard from mainstream outlets. People around the world are calling for a dramatic change of direction in how their nations are governed. Many have voted to remove leaders who had turned their countries away from godly principles. New leaders are publicly crediting God for bringing light into dark, wayward, and crime-ridden cities and nations. “Our country’s dramatic and quick turnaround was a miracle,” said Nayib Bukele, the 43rd President of El Salvador. When faced with reducing criminal activity, he said that he and his cabinet members had prayed together, “I basically said we’re looking at an impossible mission here. So we prayed.”

“This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5

  Many mainstream news sources downplay or distort much of this information, so it remains relatively unknown here in the U.S. However, this is God-honoring news, and as champions for prayer, our hearts rejoice to hear it. When God’s hand is so discernable throughout the world, we can be reinvigorated in praying for His great work in healing our own communities, towns, cities, states, and nation. America must engage in a revival of prayer and a return to God. Now is the time for prayer and to put God back as our first priority in our lives and country.

  Therefore, we must submit ourselves to Him and be devoted to earnest prayer for our nation. We are still engaged in a spiritual battle for America’s heart, and God alone can bring us out of the darkness. This is why we must be ready for the months ahead with our own upcoming elections this fall.

   America’s greatest need is for fervent prayer leading up to and through November 5th. We invite you to join us as we prepare for the 2024 Pray the Vote initiative. This is no small task, but we have been diligently preparing to be an encouragement to you and a light in this world as we kneel together before our Almighty Father.

   Knowing what is to come, your prayer team has a unique and time-sensitive opportunity – and we need your help.

   Several of your fellow ministry partners have given towards a Matching Gift Challenge.

   That means any gift you make this month will have double the impact. To meet our July 4th deadline, we must raise an additional $86,000 from faithful members like you toward our $110,000 goal.

   Every donation, large or small, helps. Will you consider a gift – given by July 4 – to help meet the Matching Gift Challenge and our mid-year-end goal?

   Amidst turmoil, we are not powerless, for God remains in control. We must love truth, stand on the front lines, and pray for the Lord’s light to shine through us into this dark world. We are children of light (Ephesians 5:8), and God is working. We need to remain faithful in prayer! So, whether you contribute financially, through prayer, or both, THANK YOU for your participation.

   With your help, your prayer team will be financially prepared for ministry as we enter the second half of the year. In return, I pray that we can serve you well by providing encouraging and timely prayer needs for our country and reaching more of our nation for Christ!

  Jim Bolthouse

P. S. Follow our progress on our homepage. Visit often, pray with us, and witness God’s work through His people and your prayer team. God bless.

God First in America

Thank You!

Other Ways to Give

Ways to Give

Have you thought about how to leave a legacy of hope through estate Fand asset giving? Do you have an old car sitting in a garage that you can donate? Do you dabble in crypto currencies? There are several ways you can support the prayer team and invest financially in our mission to reach more of America for prayer. Explore the many ways to give now. LEARN MORE

Pray First Responders

Key Questions and Answers

Q: Who can join?
A. You and everyone who prays! We encourage you to invite family, friends, and church members to join. They can text INFO to 772911 for full information. (U.S. and Canadian cell phone numbers only at this time.)

Q: Does this work on any smart device or phone?
A: Pray First will work with any registered phone device that has a 10-digit number (U.S. and Canada with active SIM/eSIM). It is not compatible with third-party messaging systems that do not require a phone number. This allows us to use the largest text messaging providers for near-instant sending, to reach millions of cell phone across the country.

Q: When can I expect my first text message?
A: You will receive an immediate response confirming that you are now a Prayer First Responder. Regular text notifications will begin early October when the system goes live.

Q: What should I do when I receive a message?
A: When a prayer text message arrives on your phone, take the matter before the Lord. You will be joining a vast community of prayer warriors who received the same message and praying with you at the same time.

Q: What if I prefer to receive email?
A: If you are signed up to receive daily and/or weekly emails from the prayer team, those will continue with no interruption. This is simply a new service aimed at providing timely prayer needs to your fingertips as quickly and effectively as possible. Email can sometimes be slowed by service providers, or even blocked, and this service will ensure unfiltered delivery.

Q: How often will I get a text message?
A: You may receive 1 or 2 per week, with up to 8 messages per month. Messages will be limited to local daytime hours.

Q: Are there any fees? 
A: This is a free service for all who participate, and most cell phone providers offer free texting. We trust God’s people will see the impact value this service and support our costs – as they have over the past 22 years.

Q: What if I need to stop for any reason?
A: You can opt-out at any time by simply replying STOP to 772911. And you can rejoin again later at your convenience.

If you have any unanswered questions or thoughts, please Contact Us here.


Show your support with a financial gift to help keep your prayer ministry going. Prayerfully consider giving a donation as we continue to reach America for prayer!


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Help Us Prepare Our Nation for Pray the Vote!

We want to openly share our needs and keep you informed about the status of this ministry. Since 2001, this ministry has been reaching millions of Americans with the help of God’s people, who have graciously underwritten the daily expenses of the prayer team. Every gift, no matter the size, is of great help. We invite you to prayerfully consider helping us meet our monthly budgeted need with a gift today. Thank you for partnering with us in prayer.

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