Issue 652 – Verse of the Week

June 20th – June 26th, 2024


Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another.‘ – Zechariah 7:9

Overflowing with Kindness

In a world that is increasingly divided by ever-widening gulfs between worldviews, you may be tempted to lose sight of the humanity of those who are on the opposing side. The arguments and rhetoric that so easily spring from the mind and mouth do not convey the call of the Lord Jesus to “love one another.“ While the Savior called out the leaders who were burdening the people, He was consistently kind to those who were lost and hurting. His mercy drew all sorts of oppressed and hurting people to Him. Their lives were changed by His compassion and truth. As you consider the state of government and politics in the present day, remember that during Jesus’ time on Earth, the people were living under the brutality of Roman rule. Ask the Lord to reveal His heart for those in your sphere of influence and be attentive to the Holy Spirit in how to be a witness of God’s love and forgiveness. Then, let the mercy and kindness you receive from Him spill over onto those around you!

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