Issue 652 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs

Pray for America’s Military

The U.S. Navy sent the USS St. Louis for its first deployment from Naval Station Mayport, Florida. The littoral combat ship, which will support the operations of the 4th Fleet, is part of the mission to interdict narcotics trafficking in the Caribbean.

Pray for the captain and crew of the newly deployed vessel and for success in reducing the inflow of drugs into the U.S.


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un pledged full support to Russia in its war with Ukraine as he prepared to meet one-on-one with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Pray for U.S. and allied officials as they assess the threats posed by North Korea and China supporting Russia against Ukraine.


Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed that the military assistance the U.S. is sending to Israel is “moving as it normally would” other than the shipment of bombs that was delayed. Prime Minister Netanyahu had expressed reservations, but stated, “Secretary Blinken assured me that the administration is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks.”

Pray for U.S. officials to ensure that the congressionally mandated aid is sent to Israel in an appropriate time frame.


A coalition of labor unions, nonprofits, and health advocates is petitioning the Federal Emergency Management Agency to categorize extreme heat and smoke from wildfires as “major disasters.“This classification would allow FEMA to release federal disaster relief funding for such events.

Pray for FEMA and other federal officials to be discerning as they evaluate the petition from the advocacy coalition.


The Government Accountability Office recently released a report that shows federal agencies waste taxpayer dollars due to “fragmentation, overlap, and duplication.“ The report indicates that billions could be saved if 42 identified areas were cleaned up.

Pray for U.S. agency officials to adopt frugal measures to reduce federal government costs and eliminate financial waste.

Pray for Needs Across the States

The Indiana Department of Child Services announced an update in its Adoption Assistance and Guardianship Assistance Programs that will receive an increase in the state-sponsored subsidy. The update will provide 100 percent of the financial support a child was allotted in state foster care.

Maine Governor Janet Mills commended the progress being made in the state’s electric vehicle charging network. In the coming year, 52 new chargers will be placed in 17 locations close to high-traffic roads and highways near major cities and recreational areas.

Pray for the state policy makers to be led by the Lord as they address the issues that face their populations.

Pray for America’s Faith Community

“We’re looking at the signs that Jesus said would precede His literal, visible return to this earth. And one of those signs Jesus talked about was an increase in both the intensity and frequency of persecution for those that follow Him. Jesus said it this way, in John 16:33, ‘In the world, you will have tribulations. But take courage, I have overcome the world.‘ Today, when we hear stories like that of Meriam Ibrahim, we seem to think, well, that’s for the Middle East. That happens in other places, but that would never happen here.‘ Ladies and gentlemen, there is absolutely no guarantee in Scripture that we who live in this country will be exempt from persecution. In fact, there’s every guarantee that we will experience persecution. Jesus said as much in Matthew chapter 5. In verses 1 to 10, He gives those qualities of a disciple, that we call the Beatitudes. But then He begins in verse 11 and says, ‘If you exhibit those qualities, if you’re a true follower of Mine, be ready for persecution.‘ Verse 11 Jesus said, ‘Blessed are you,‘ not if, but ‘when men cast insults at you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely on account of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great. For so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.‘“ – Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pathway to Victory, June 2024

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