Veterans Mobilize to Ensure Election Integrity with Poll Worker Recruitment

‘We the Veterans’ intends to enlist 100,000 volunteers to address misinformation and bolster public confidence in the U.S. voting process.

A nonprofit organization, We the Veterans, is recruiting veterans and military family members to serve as poll workers to increase confidence in the U.S. voting process. Launched in February, their “Vet the Vote“ campaign is on track to meet its goal of enlisting 100,000 volunteers for the upcoming presidential election. Co-founder Ellen Gustafson highlighted the important role these volunteers will play.

Program Director Dan Vallone said, “A lot of states have concluded their primaries and have been gearing up for the election, which is why we’re really trying to make a big push on recruiting, as the need increases dramatically. Our big push and most intensive cycle starts in June and continues to mid-September.”

“We the Veterans“ is conducting state-to-state outreach events in collaboration with secretaries of state to educate the public on the election process and highlight the importance of participation. Their efforts have included stops in Nevada, Arizona, and South Carolina, with more planned throughout the summer.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For discernment for poll workers and observers as they prepare for the presidential election.
  • For the members of nonprofits, including We the Veterans, as they seek to ensure election integrity and security.

Sources: Navy Times,


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