Rohit Chopra, Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Rohit Chopra, Director

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Rohit Chopra was born in January 1982 in Plainfield, New Jersey. He earned an undergraduate degree from Harvard University and a master of business administration from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He received a Fulbright Fellowship to South Korea.

He began his career in a global management consultant firm. He worked with the team and created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau after the passage of the Dodd-Frank legislation. He became the assistant director and Student Loan Ombudsman. He was an early opponent of the increasing levels of student loan debt in the nation. He became a senior advisor to the under secretary of education and then served as a senior fellow for a consumer advocacy group.

Chopra was nominated to the Federal Trade Commission by President Donald Trump and confirmed by the Senate. He was later nominated by President Joe Biden to be director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, to which he was confirmed by a Senate cloture vote in September 2021.

In the News…

Director Rohit Chopra joined Vice President Kamala Harris in announcing new rules that exclude medical debt from being used in consumers’ credit reports. The purpose of the rule is to facilitate Americans’ ability to receive approval for auto loans, mortgages, or other credit products in spite of medical debt they may carry.

Director Chopra said just before the announcement, “Our research shows that medical bills on your credit report aren’t even predictive of whether you’ll repay another type of loan. That means people’s credit scores are being unjustly and inappropriately harmed by this practice.”

“Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion took steps to remove many medical bills in part because of the recognition that they hold little predictive value,” Director Chopra said earlier this year. “Findings from our latest research reveal the impact of these changes and the need for further reforms.”

Contact this Leader…

Did you pray for Director Chopra today? You can let him know at:

The Honorable Rohit Chopra, Director 
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

1275 First St NE
Washington, DC 20002


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