Issue 651 – Verse of the Week

June 13th – June 19th, 2024


And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. – Hebrews 11:6

Genuine Faith

The booth at the state fair’s midway had a beckoning sign: “Genuine Simulated Diamonds.” Bright overhead lights shone down on cases of glittering jewelry, drawing those who desired inexpensive “bling” to buy the stones. Some may have been deceived into thinking they were getting an authentic gem at a low price when they were actually purchasing faceted clear or colored glass. Sadly, each day, across the United States, many are being deceived into accepting a “genuine simulated faith.” This faith relies on good works or living a moral life to obtain the rewards of Heaven. God’s Word is clear on this. Genuine faith—not the simulated kind—requires believing in God and in His Son, Jesus, for eternal life. Jesus Himself said He is the only way. Authentic faith rests in Him.

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