Treasury Department Requests Public Comment on Financial AI Policies

The agency seeks to increase understanding of current AI use within financial services.

The Department of the Treasury recently released a request for information and insight on the current use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the financial sector from those with experience in financial services. The department is interested in the potential risks of financial AI use and the types of impact its use could have on consumers, businesses, and investors. Public comments will be accepted for 60 days.

“Treasury is proud to be playing a key role in spurring responsible innovation, especially in relation to AI and financial institutions,” said Under Secretary for Domestic Finance Nellie Liang. “Our ongoing stakeholder engagement allows us to improve our understanding of AI in financial services.” 

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Secretary Janet Yellen to be led by God as she heads the Treasury Department.
  • For Under Secretary Liang to seek the Lord for guidance as she manages the Office of Domestic Finance.
  • For Treasury Department officials as they endeavor to determine the risks and benefits of AI use in financial services.

Sources: Department of the Treasury


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