HUD Accepts Grants Applications for Tribal Affordable Housing

$150 million available through the Indian Housing Block Grant.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development opened grant applications for Tribal governments to construct affordable housing for low-income families. The agency will award a total of $150 million to those selected for the grant, which will prioritize new housing constructions during the application process. 

“Ensuring affordable housing for Native American communities is a top priority for HUD,” said Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman. “We take pride in partnering with Tribes to expand housing options and foster resilient communities, laying the foundation for generations to thrive.”

Tribal communities face overcrowding in homes that have grown dilapidated over time. The department intends for this funding to help to address both of these housing issues simultaneously.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For wisdom for Acting Secretary Todman as she oversees the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  • For HUD officials to be prudent in their awarding of grants to fund affordable housing.

Sources: Department of Housing and Urban Development


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