DOI Announces Investment in Water Reuse Projects

Four projects in California and Utah aim to bolster water reliability.

The Department of the Interior distributed $179 million to four projects dedicated to developing large-scale water reuse systems in California and Utah. Once these facilities have completed construction, they are expected to add an additional 182,000 acre-feet of water to their communities’ drinkable water supply, creating more flexibility within local drought management strategies.

“Water is essential to everything we do: feeding families, growing crops, powering agricultural businesses, sustaining wildlife, and safeguarding Tribal subsistence practices,” said Secretary Deb Haaland. “As the climate crisis drives severe drought conditions across the West, it will take all of us working together to safeguard our communities and enhance water reliability.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For discernment for Secretary Haaland as she manages the Department of the Interior.
  • For Interior Department officials as they support the construction of water reuse systems.

Sources: Department of the Interior


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