Issue 649 – Verse of the Week

May 30th – June 5th, 2024


And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28

The Importance of Words

Words are not static entities. In the English language, and in many other languages around the world, words can take on different meanings. Time and culture may also change the meanings of words. Those who translated (and continue translating) the Greek New Testament into contemporary language find that some words require explanation. However, the word from today’s verse, translated “all” from the Greek, still means “all.” This means “everything.“ The entirety of it. Not a scintilla omitted. Nothing more could be added. So you, as a follower of Christ and one who loves God, can know that nothing is left out. ALL is being worked together for good. It is for your good and according to the purposes of God. Trust Him with your all today. The Lord has not, cannot, and will not fail you!

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